Junior News

Year 6 Residential

6th June 2022

On 23 May, Year 6 headed  off with their teachers for Threlkeld, near Keswick in the beautiful Lake District National Park, to spend four nights at the Blencathra Field Study Centre.  Whilst there highlights for our students included taking part in orienteering, mammal trapping, bush craft and canoeing in addition to tasks and work associated with their study topic of Mountains and Rivers.  For their topic work, everyone enjoyed a half day river study working ‘welly deep’ in the great outdoors to measure the width, depth and flow of a local river at various points with an FSC tutor.

Throughout the week, students also worked towards achieving their John Muir Award. This award, named after the renowned conservationist, encourages an awareness and responsibility for the natural environment through four key themes: Discover, Explore, Conserve and Share. For the conservation task students each spent half a day removing invasive rhododendrons from ancient woodland and did a fabulous job.

The weather wasn’t as kind as it could have been, particularly on our final hike over Latrigg into the town of Keswick, but we had an amazing week learning together, cementing friendships and developing our independence.



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