School News

Wellbeing Week

14th October 2020

It’s Wellbeing Week here at Wakefield Girls’ High School – wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find the secret of long lasting happiness? It’s a tough question to answer at the best of times let alone in our current pandemic. Can we find happiness or is it a time to rethink the pursuit of happiness and focus on wellbeing instead ?

Wellbeing is a term that has grown in popularity in all kinds of organisations – and this week we especially look at what it means and explore its purpose with our students.

Happiness is an example of a positive emotion, a fleeting moment in time and one part of wellbeing. Wellbeing is about how we function, how we manage difficult experiences, thoughts and feelings as well as how we savour the good ones. Good wellbeing means we can cope with ups and downs that we face everyday and which are normal feelings everyday.

Our wellbeing is influenced by optimism, self-esteem, relationships with others and our own sense of meaning in life. This week in school, we dedicate time and have filled our week with fantastic opportunities for our students to have fun, to spend time with friends, make connections and appreciate relationships; to enjoy the moment, be creative and thankful and to lead, work together and be hopeful.

Take a look at some of the pictures taken to record Wellbeing Week on our gallery.

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