School News

Celebration Assembly

2nd October 2020

At the start of our term, Ms Boyes asked all students to really try not to see this new school year as a race to the end.

Her first assembly focussed upon a reminder that school is not just about exams: but rather about learning from mistakes, hard work, trying new things and getting involved. It’s about all the experiences our students have along the way – the highs, the lows, the achievements and the failures. School is about what is learned each day.

We hope all of our students can see the opportunities that each day brings, make the most of them, learn from them and most importantly, enjoy the journey.

Ms Boyes left our Year 7 – 9 students with a quote from one of the most beautiful books she has read:

‘Most of the old moles I know wish they had listened less to their fears and more to their dreams’.

There’s a lesson in that for us all and we very much hope that all our students listen to their dreams.

For Year 10 students, Ms Boyes drew upon a quote from Michelle Obama, who she admires because she is real, honest and true to herself. While she may have become an icon as First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama is someone so accomplished and successful who has also experienced doubt and failure. Michelle Obama admits to really having to dig deep to find courage in moments of fear and to keep persisting when it’s all gone wrong. She knows there’s no magic path to success – it comes from knowing who you are and what you want, then working hard to get it.

What matters are the true friends you make, the activities you throw yourself into, the books you read, the skills and knowledge you acquire. Those experiences – the ones that make you stronger, smarter and braver – are what really matter’.

With Year 11, Ms Boyes talked about the person our students all voted for as School Girls’ Woman of the Year, last year – Greta Thunberg. Discussion focussed upon there being no magic path to success – it takes hard work and perseverance and Greta Thunberg is someone who has worked so hard to achieve something so great: to create a whole movement driving change. It comes from knowing who you are and what you want, then working hard to get it. At the UN Youth Climate Summit, New York City, 21 September 2019 Greta said:

“We showed that we are united and that we, young people, are unstoppable.”

Girls, that is certainly true of you all.

We celebrated your notable achievements from the last academic year and what a lot of successful students were applauded on stage – in a socially distant manner, of course.

Be proud of all you have achieved and look forward to what you will continue to learn. Wakefield Girls’ have no limits!

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