School News

Year 9 Tenner Challenge

27th April 2022
Members of Year 9 recently participated in the Young Enterprise Tenner Challenge, tasked in teams to turn £10 into as much profit as they could.
The boys had one month to carry out various enterprising activities within school and their local communities, reinvesting their profits along the way. Activities included popcorn and bake sales, car washing, sports tournaments, ‘Pancake Fridays’, an Easter Egg raffle and producing and selling ribbon pin badges for the raising of awareness of the current humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
The boys demonstrated excellent entrepreneurial flair developing crucial personal, enterprise and employability skills along the way; including teamwork and communication, perseverance and dedication, business planning, marketing and promotion, stock replenishment, event organisation and the tracking of finances.
Collectively, the seven teams turned £70 of loans into £581 profit to be donated to Comic Relief: Red Nose Day and British Red Cross and as such contributing to their Young Savilians’ Award💫
Fantastic work boys! 👏

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