It’s the way MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the world is so important.

At QEGS, we believe that enjoying true success in life is not just about academic achievement but developing a keen sense of social responsibility and making a difference in the world. It’s about giving back to our communities by thinking ahead about how we can support others. Each year, we engender a strong sense of social responsibility in all our pupils, by supporting a variety of local, national and international charities. Engaging in fundraising activities enhances pupils’ sense of awareness of others less fortunate than themselves, something they all carry through with them into later life.

Seriously good fun. And a really big help for our community.

Charity Days are a real highlight of the year for boys in our Junior Section, with pupils and parents really going to town on their costume creations. Although we take our fundraising role very seriously, every year our pupils challenge themselves to come up with enjoyable and often wacky themes to attract maximum school and community engagement.

In the afternoon, pupils plan and run their own stalls to raise as much money as possible for our chosen charity. Last year saw our community raise over £25,000 for Variety Children’s Charity, ensuring that lots of young people across the region could benefit from a Variety Sunshine Coach to help get them to and from school and extracurricular clubs and events.

From local community to the global community.

Senior pupils can get involved in voluntary work as part of QED on Wednesdays, which includes working in local schools and hospices. The school also has a strong relationship with the Community Awareness Programme (CAP) in Wakefield which supports the needs of the homeless and disadvantaged in the Wakefield District. Funds are raised throughout the year via various events and activities and, where possible, fundraising initiatives link into major school expeditions. In recent years, we’re particularly proud of the fact that pupils have contributed to local communities through voluntary work in orphanages and schools in countries such as Morocco, Jordan, Ecuador and Peru.

Our charity single is streaming on Spotify

Recently, we teamed up with peers at Wakefield Girls’, working in the recording studio to produce our first charity single ‘I Am Me’. This supports children’s charity Variety, helping young people across the region to get to and from school, extracurricular clubs and events.  Stream it on Spotify.

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