Before the half term break, FS1 continued their learning based around the story of the Three Little Pigs and they have now developed a good understanding of the characters. In the Early Years outside area, the children used den-building materials to construct the three different houses. They also learnt about Lunar New Year, listened to traditional Chinese music, created their own collage dragon and performed a dragon dance.
The FS2 children also learned about festivals and celebrations, using split pins to make a moving dragon puppet and completing a pancake obstacle course race in the outdoor area to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The children ventured over to the Owl’s Den, for a Forest School session and they observed the first signs of spring, looking at the buds on the trees and the snowdrops starting to grow. They then carefully drew the snowdrops and used watercolours to paint their art work.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, Year 1 children reflected on what being mindful means and how this can support them in their day to day lives. They researched inspirational young people like Greta Thunberg, Nicholas Lowinger, Marley Dias and Abigail Lupi.
In their literacy lessons, the Year 2 children composed a free verse poem on the theme of ‘Being Me’. They had the opportunity to perform their poems within their class and for some children, during a whole school assembly. The children also enjoyed a range of strategies to enter a state of mindfulness.
During Safer Internet Day, the children discussed how to keep safe online with activities completed in order to demonstrate understanding.
The week ended with Feel Good Friday, when all the children were invite to dress in clothing to ‘Express Themselves’, and in the afternoon they enjoyed a variety of activities such as pottery painting, crafting, mindful colouring and Lego building.