School News

Family Lunches

12th April 2024

We have had the pleasure of welcoming parents and family members into school this week to enjoy lunch with their children. It was wonderful to see our families laughing and chatting over a delicious lunch prepared by our wonderful in-house catering company, Holroyd Howe.

The children were thrilled to show their family members into the school hall to sit together with their classmates, sharing an insight into their school day. We received fantastic feedback about the food that was served, with parents commenting on the healthy variety and high quality of our school dinners. Each day the children choose from a delicious array of hot meals, salads and desserts freshly made by our in-house catering team. There is always a selection of seasonal fruit on offer to the children, encouraging a healthy, varied and balanced diet from a young age.

We are grateful for the opportunity to bring our school community together in this way, and we look forward to hosting more events like this in the future.

Mrs E Gill


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