School News

Weekly Highlights

12th March 2024

In FS1 this week our children were extremely excited as they discovered thecarrival of nine eggs in an incubator! As the eggs began to crack, they eagerly anticipated the hatching and now have the important responsibility of caring for nine adorable chicks. Inspired by the book “The Little Red Hen,” the children made their own bread and even shaped it into hedgehog rolls. They also learned about windmills and created their own using scissors and split pins. In the garden, the little inventors learned how to make pulley systems to lift bags of flour. FS2 children learned about healthy and unhealthy foods, and the importance of a balanced diet, which connects to their current key text “Oliver’s Vegetables.”

Year 1 children practised saying the days, months, and seasons in French, challenging themselves to outdo their teachers as language detectives. In PE the focus was on gymnastics, specifically the core skills of rolling, balancing, climbing, jumping, and landing. The children enjoyed using the climbing frames to further develop these skills.

As part of their Titanic topic, Year 2 children worked in small groups to construct a replica of the ship. They carefully planned and paid attention to detail to accurately recreate the design. In maths, the children began learning about measurements in centimetres and meters.

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