School News

Weekly Highlights

27th February 2024

Last week, the children in FS1 spent time listening to their new key text, The Little Red Hen, and they have been looking at information books about chicks in preparation for some visitors next week. They have also studied patterns and used imaginative language to describe them. The little artists created some detailed drawings of spring flowers and enjoyed mixing paint to create the desired colour. The children have enjoyed exploring and splashing in the water area and are showing determination in putting on their waterproofs independently!

Over in FS2, the children have been learning about whales and discovered some mind-blowing facts. They were fascinated to learn that a blue whale’s tongue weighs the same as an elephant! The children also discussed importance of protecting our oceans and have made posters to raise awareness of the dangers of throwing rubbish in the sea. A group of children hopped on the free city bus to the Hepworth Art Gallery, where they showed excellent manners and were fantastic ambassadors for the school.

Excitement bubbled through Year 1, as the children were set a challenge by not other than Willy Wonka! He has set them the task of each creating their own chocolate lolly. The children have carefully considered what ingredients to use, chosen a name, designed the and wrapper, and they are now looking forward to make their lollies!

Year 2 have been thinking about the power of persuasive language and have been putting it into practice by designing a poster, encouraging people to buy a ticket to travel on the Titanic. They have also been working on their comprehension skills with an extract from George’s Marvellous Medicine. The children are increasing their speed with the recall of their times tables, and will continue to work on this skill. A Sports Showcase rounded off the week, when parents were invited into school to watch their children demonstrate a range of skills that they have been learning during their games and PE lessons.

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