School News

Year 2 Sports Showcase

26th February 2024
On Friday 23rd February, we welcomed the families of our Year 2 children into school for a Sports Showcase in Hartley Pavilion. The children took part in a carousel of activities in their house teams, to proudly demonstrate the skills that they have been working on in their PE and Games lessons.
The stations included space hopper relay, basketball shot, long skipping, transferring balls on cones, hurdles, hockey dribble, bench balance and catching on a crash mat. The morning ended with with relay races carrying batons in house teams.
All of the children tried their very best, showing excellent sportsmanship and teamwork. The winning house was… drum roll, please… GREEN HOUSE! Well done to everyone who took part, and special congratulations to the Green House. It was wonderful for the children to show their families everything that they have been learning over the year so far. Poppy and Viraj, the House Captains of the Green team were delighted to accept the trophy on behalf of their team.
Mr J Ward
PE and Games Teacher

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