School News

Weekly Highlights

29th January 2024

Last week, the children in FS1 have been thinking about the birds in winter and have made bird feeders for them and they have also planted broad beans in the garden. The new key text in FS1 is ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and the children have been mixing powder paints to make the colour pink, sequencing the story of The Three Little Pigs using pictures and have been looking at different types of homes.

Over in FS2, the children have been focusing on their key text,  ‘Mrs Armitage on Wheels’ and this concluded with a final visit from Mrs Armitage. The children have done an amazing job of improving her bike. Mrs Armitage was very impressed with their efforts and thanked them all for a job well done! Making the most of the windy weather, the children created wind wands and watched as the wind’s direction changed as the gusts blew the ribbons in the air. The second group of children enjoyed a bus trip to the Hepworth Gallery, discussing what they saw from the window on thier journey before exploring the gallery. The children were wonderful ambassadors for the school, demonstrating excellent manners and listening well.

Year One have been designing and creating their own Aztec masks using the mosaic pieces and have made some impressive art pieces. In ICT, the children have been making rainforest pictures and have reflected on the learning from last week’s cocoa workshop. They have been learning about the continents and developing their understanding about where the Cacao tree grows. In literacy, they have been learning how to use a comma to write a list within a sentence and they have been counting in tens in maths and learning about doubling numbers to 10, showing how they can use this skill to help them calculate a near double. 

As part of their current ‘Titanic’ topic, the Year 2 children have created their own report about the sinking of the ship. They created a headline and used appropriate language throughout their writing to engage the reader. Using coins to make different amounts as well as calculating change has been the focus of maths lessons this week. The children have continued to research and corroborate facts about the sinking of the Titanic and have found out about how animals and plants survive in cold lands. They have created their version of The Great Wave by Hokusai in art. 

Despite the windy weather, the children still managed to enjoy some forest school sessions and outdoor learning, showing resilience and determination, never letting the weather dampen their spirits!

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