School News

Christmas Jumper Day

19th December 2023

Friday, our last day of term, was Christmas jumper day. The children bounded into school with smiles on their faces, feeling festive in their brightly coloured jumpers, excited for their final morning of school. They enjoyed a fantastic morning, whilst raising money for Leeds Hospitals Charity and Wakefield Hospice.

Throughout the morning, the children came together in the hall to enjoy Christmas songs, listen to Christmas stories and watch The Snowman film. We also celebrated the children’s many achievements both in school and out of school. We encourage our families to send in photographs of the amazing activities that the children take part in out of school and we celebrate these achievements in our school assemblies. There is a wide variety of extra-curricular activities that the children enjoy in their spare time and they are proud to share these passions with their friends and teachers.

We wish all our families a restful, happy Christmas and we look forward to welcoming the children back in the New Year.

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