School News

Little Leaders Arrange House Carnival

26th May 2023

Our Little Leaders have been very busy over the past few months planning a big end of term event, to celebrate Feel Good Friday!

In January, our House Captains and Deputy House Captains approached Headteacher Mrs Gill and Deputy Headteacher Mrs Butler, to ask if they could arrange a House Day to celebrate their houses. 

The team is made up of eight Year 2 children: Anna, Emily, Hattie, Leena, Leo, Margeaux , Summer and Will. After meetings with the Head, the team decided on having a ‘House Carnival’, as FS2 have been learning about carnivals over the past few months. 

The team then arranged what activities they would like to do throughout the day. This included a stilts challenge, a word challenge where children had to think of as many words that start with the same letter as their House, a lego tower challenge, bowling challenge, and a team challenge. They also made a special request for the types of food they wanted to be served at lunchtime to celebrate their carnival. 

On Friday 26th May, the last day of the half-term, all the children were so excited, as they were dressed in non-uniform in their house colours, ready for their highly anticipated fun-filled day of activities to win House points. 

Throughout the week, Year 2 have been discovering more about the history of the Houses they will be joining when they enter Year 3. In Pre-prep, the Houses are simply named Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. When they join Year 3, they will join the same colour house, but the names of the Houses at Wakefield Girls’ and QEGS are different. In Wakefield Girls’ the Houses are Mackie, Lee, Clayton and Blakey. Whilst in QEGS the Houses are Cave, Freeston, Bentley and Savile.

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