School News

Celebrating World Book Day!

3rd March 2023

In Pre-Prep we love reading and encourage our children to discover and share books they love, developing their passion for reading too.  What better way to celebrate our passion for reading than on World Book Day! We were especially delighted to be joined by older students from both the Junior and Senior sections of Wakefield Girls’ and QEGS. Our children loved hearing their favourite stories read by such fabulous role models.

Our youngest students in FS1 and FS2 enjoyed reading texts by Allan and Janet Ahlberg: ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’ and  ‘Jeremiah in the Dark Woods’. The children tasted different fruit and decided on their favourite tastes, made plum pie with the play dough and thread beads on pipe cleaner to make fruit trees. They also mixed shades of paint to find the perfect colour to decorate their fruit tree paintings. We really love these books for the children because it helps them to recognise rhyming pairs and are great choices to discuss characters in stories

Our work in Year 1 was based on the book Stanley’s Stick by John Hegley. The children searched and found their own stick from the playground, making sure to pick the perfect one for them. Back in the classroom they collected their ideas for what they might use it for, with children suggesting they would use it for measuring, magic, swords and spoons – so many great ideas.

Year 2 shared their favourite books and wrote book reviews about them, exploring and using new descriptive words.  They also completed lots of artwork related to and inspired by their favourite story. 

We were incredibly impressed by the amazing array of costumes the children were wearing in support of World Book Day.  Thank you to all our fairies, bees, toadstools, rabbits, foxes, trees, Red Riding Hood, Robin Hood, Alice, princesses and camouflaged children! The children loved listening to and telling stories during the day and enjoyed their book swap (albeit some spoilers were revealed!).

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