Year 2

Year 2 Investigate the Titanic

27th February 2023

During the first half of term Year 2 children have been working on their ‘Ship of Dreams’ topic, where they are learning about the Titanic.

They have been working very hard to learn lots of different interesting facts about the Titanic, for example, the ship had a heated swimming pool, two libraries and a gym! After acquiring lots of facts and knowledge about the ship, this then prompted discussions about whose fault it was that the ship sank, with the children passionately conveying their different theories – there are several future debaters in our classes!

We imagined what it would have been like to be a passenger on the ship and the children wrote a recount about the events of the fateful night. Moreover, we also created newspaper reports that revealed the news of the Titanic sinking, which the children stained with teabags to make them look aged, as if they were actually published in 1912. The children created brilliant posters persuading people to travel on the ship, linking their Titanic topic to their English lessons where they have been focusing on persuasive writing.

They also had the opportunity to work in small groups to plan and build their own Titanic, using old boxes and recycled materials they brought into school from home. The structural integrity of the ships was questionable due to the reliance on cereal boxes and egg cartons, so the children wisely predicted that their ships may have a similar fate to the Titanic if put into water. Nevertheless we were all very impressed by the very realistic models the children constructed!

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