School News

School Mental Health Accreditation

30th January 2023

We are delighted to share with you that our school has chosen to work towards being accredited with the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools Award. 

Carnegie School of Education based at Leeds Beckett University and Minds Ahead CIC have developed the School Mental Health Award to give schools and academies a framework for whole school mental health development. By embracing the ideals of the award, we are demonstrating a deep commitment to working towards excellent practice as we place the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff at the core of our school alongside our commitment to having a rich whole school culture where all members of our school community can thrive. 

We would welcome expressions of interest from parents/carers who would like and are able to work with us more closely though a parent/carer group which will focus on the competencies of the award. 

We look forward to sharing how we, as a community, are further developing our practices in relation to mental health and wellbeing over the coming months.


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