School News

Understanding Zones of Regulation

20th January 2023

In recent weeks Year 1 children have been studying the zones of regulation, and their progress has been remarkable. In lessons they delved into the intricacies of emotions and how they are classified into different zones. The children were divided into groups and tasked with identifying the emotions that belonged to each of the four zones (green, yellow, blue and red). They worked together and demonstrated excellent teamwork as they shared their ideas and listened respectfully to each other’s opinions. 

To aid their learning, the children read a book and discussed the different emotions the characters might be feeling, identifying the various emotions and assigning them to the appropriate zone. The children’s understanding of the subject was impressive, as they showed an awareness of the different emotions and made suggestions about what may have triggered them.

We have been focusing on zones of regulation, as it is a key exercise to aid in our children’s social and emotional development; being able to recognise the emotions of others, and also identify their own emotions and how to regulate them. We hope that this learning and awareness will not only help them in our classrooms, but also a skill that they will carry with them throughout their lives. We encourage parents to continue talking to the children about their feelings and what zone they are in.

To read more about the zones of regulation, please visit this website.

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