School News

Christmas at WGPPS

16th December 2022

This week in Pre-Prep there have been lots of fun Christmas celebrations in the final week before the Christmas holidays!

Throughout the week FS1 has been learning songs for our nativity, learning about the Christmas story and participating in lots of Christmas crafts. There was also a sing-along Christmas pantomime, which all students thoroughly enjoyed.

On Thursday, the children came to school to find that their classrooms had been decorated with bunting and an array of Christmas themed wall art. The home corner had become very festive with a Christmas tree which needed to be decorated by the children and lots of seasonal dressing up outfits. We also had an elf-visitor to join FS1, who arrived by balloon!

There was even a Santa’s Grotto which had been created, which was perfect for when Santa visited! Each child in school visited Santa, receiving a personalised letter and certificate to confirm their place on the ‘good list’, alongside a present. A huge thankyou to FOPPS, our amazing parent teacher association, for liaising with Santa re the presents and ensuring Santa wrote to each child. We have some very talented staff in school and thanks must go to Mrs Anderton and Mrs Evans for their sterling effort with the grotto. A huge thankyou to Santa too, for giving up his very precious time, so close to Christmas, to visit the children.

At the end of the week, students were invited to wear a Christmas jumper or festive accessories to celebrate the final day of term. Our last assembly of the year announced our stars of the week and we gave out advent presents. Arguably most exciting was the Christmas dinner all students tucked into at lunchtime, followed by a delicious cupcake made by our wonderful catering team. The cupcakes were designed by the winners of the cupcake decoration competition. Congratulations to our winners Zakariya, Matei and Arianna for designing such a scrumptious cupcake! 

We would like to wish all our children and parents a restful holiday and a Merry Christmas!

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