School News

Wellbeing Week

21st October 2022

Wellbeing was the focus for this week across the Foundation. We took part in some great activities which were designed to  shine a light on the importance of wellbeing and self-care for pupils, parents and staff.

Move it Monday

In our morning assembly, the whole school did a dance routine. Mrs Anderton choreographed a section with each class which we then put together and recorded in a special video.

Mrs Pitchford and Mr Ward organised in the Year 2 games session for the children to complete a distance of 2.6 miles in different ways! They certainly slept well that night!


Teamwork Tuesday

There were lots of whole-class teamwork activities going on throughout the day to encourage discussion and working collaboratively. We also introduced the ‘Class of the Week Award’ for the class that showed extra team spirit with the award given out in Friday’s assembly.

Wednesday – Walk and Water

Our Virtual Everest walking challenge kickstarted in the morning assembly with each child walking steps on the spot to music and continuing sporadically throughout lessons with mini walk breaks in classes.

Each child was also given a wellbeing and self-care journal to complete every day.

Throughout the week we had some sixth form pupils from QEGS and the WGHS coming to run some activities with our pupils, these included rugby ball passing, making friendship bracelets and reading stories.

At break and lunchtime there was a track set up in the playground so the children could continue to add steps to conquer our challenge.

In Science lessons we also learned all about the importance of hydration.

Thoughtful Thursday

There were some music meditations and relaxation exercises in classes. We paid compliments about people in our classes and talked about the importance of valuing and showing kindness to each other.

We were also focusing on growth mindset activities (Carol Dweck) and listening to ‘The power of yet’ song.


Feel Good Friday

In our Friday Assembly, there were certificates for staff and pupils (staff shout outs).

The ‘Class of the Week Award’ was presented with extra play time/golden time being given to the winning class.

Our Wellbeing Week came to a close with the children enjoying a premiere of our school dance video on the big screen! Click on the link below to watch it…



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