You’ll like the way we make LEARNING a joy.

Learning at Wakefield Girls’ feels good. Our high achieving students enjoy their success, but they also enjoy the journey too.

We passionately believe that how students learn is every bit as important as what they learn.  The best learning happens in the context of relationships. So we make education a joy, with passionate teachers delivering extraordinary learning experiences in welcoming, stimulating, confidence building environments. We tailor everything to suit the learning styles of our students, focusing on individual needs to create independent, inspirational young women with the skills and confidence to go out in the world and be exactly who they want to be.


Our Junior students have a happy habit of going way beyond what they believe they can achieve. With lessons primarily delivered by their class teacher, we create a ‘can-do, will do’ attitude, instilling confidence by encouraging them to be academically curious and express ideas in new, inventive ways. We explore beyond the curriculum to develop a passion and fascination for learning, enhanced by key organisational and study skills. English and maths are studied each day, with humanities, science, PE and the arts dotted throughout the week to keep things fresh, fast moving and fun.

Discover more about our Juniors

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Providing the foundations for happy and lasting achievement.

Specialist teachers increasingly work with our students as they grow older to shape and develop core skills. This enlightened educational approach is further supplemented by enriching visits and trips focused on building teamwork and expanding horizons. The result? Your daughter will move into Seniors equipped with learned skills, true friendships, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and a collaborative mindset which will give her a real edge, wherever the future takes her.



At a senior level, the dawning realisation of exactly what they can achieve, makes each student’s educational journey both liberating and empowering. Individuality and innovation are encouraged at every stage as they learn to think differently and develop the life skills and character-building qualities that will power them along future career pathways. Our teachers are all A level experts in their fields, with small, supportive classes providing an exciting and engaging mix of inspiration, challenge and intellectual adventure.

Discover more about our Seniors





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Growing every student’s unique capabilities.

Every student goes out in the world with a well-rounded education. Years 7 – 9 are focused on developing an extensive educational grounding which includes everything from English language and literature, maths, French, chemistry, biology, physics, art, drama, geography, history and computer science, to music, philosophy & religion, food & nutrition and sport. Students can also choose Spanish or German and classical civilisation or Latin. While in Years 10 and 11, seven subjects in the core curriculum are supplemented by three further personal choices from thirteen options, further individualising their choices at GCSE level.


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Sixth Form

Our world class Sixth Form really provides two years that can change a life.  We combine smaller, vibrant teaching classes with renowned pastoral care, individual support, plenty of extra-curricular and leadership opportunities within Sixth Form specific spaces and our wider school community.  Our results speak for themselves with 82% of all A levels graded A* to B and students who are well prepared for future success, stepping confidently off campus to Russell Group universities and valuable apprenticeships.

Discover Sixth Form





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