You’ll like the way our pupils discover THE JOY OF LEARNING.

Since QEGS was founded, every year of our existence has been focused on enhancing the joy of learning. It’s a joy that has continued unabated across the centuries, resonating along every corridor and in every teaching space. We create a vibrant climate for learning, celebrating discovery, championing success and ensuring that every lesson in and out of the classroom is buzzing with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Our kinetic energy.

There’s a kinetic energy about QEGS. You can feel it as you move around the school and see pupils enjoying lessons indoors and outdoors. You can see it in the way we nurture talent, celebrate individuality and tailor everything to each pupils’ specific needs and give them the confidence to find their own individual voice. You can see it in the way our teachers engage inquisitive minds and inspire limitless invention. And the way school life here combines a sense of adventure with a growing, dynamic sense that from Juniors to Sixth Form and onwards to the future, anything is possible here.

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Teaching tailored to pupils’ needs.

We know that pupils respond best to teaching styles which fit their needs.  The best learning happens in the context of relationships. So we make education a joy, with passionate teachers delivering extraordinary learning experiences in welcoming, stimulating, confidence building environments. We tailor everything to suit the learning styles of our pupils and our broad-based curriculum  provides stimulation, strong foundations for the future, and  gives pupils the confidence to learn and grow at their own pace.

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To get pupils to explore their creative side, we dare to venture outside.

The use of themed learning enables our pupils to see a clear purpose for the activities, frequently engaging them in the planning of topic work. Books and curricular materials that successfully engage pupils are integrated within all aspects of the curriculum and whenever possible learning is taken outdoors for deeper exploration and adventure.

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Ensuring pupils are actively engaged.

Enrichment plays a key role at QEGS. Across school years and age ranges, we provide over 100 enrichment activities. Every Wednesday, teaching staff share their interests and hobbies with boys through the leading of QED (QEGS Enrichment and Development) activities. This sharing of common ground, from mountain biking to photography and public speaking, further strengthens the alliance between staff and pupils and plays a prominent role in engaging each in and out of the classroom.

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You’ll like the way we HELP PUPILS TO EXCEL beyond the classroom

At QEGS, our agile and modern outlook means that we can offer a dedicated online education provision alongside our more traditional bricks and mortar school experience. Our commitment to providing a fully interactive and effective education includes issuing pupils with Google Chromebooks so they are ready for remote lessons and learning at home or wherever they may be, ensuring an uninterrupted education with confidential access to teachers during the school day.

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Tailormade learning that helps pupils to find their way, their way.

The Sixth Form provides pupils with tailormade learning experiences and opportunities in an environment where individuals can develop both academic and extra-curricular skills. The 26 subjects on offer create breadth and flexibility, with some subjects taught jointly with Wakefield Girls’ High School. Pupils study three A levels, in a relaxed environment with small class sizes (typically 8—12), led by staff who are all experts in their fields.

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The great thing is, how many of our pupils go on to achieve great things.

Pupils also receive close pastoral and careers support with daily, individual tutorial time. The excellent staff–pupil relationship is elevated to a more mature level, effectively becoming a partnership which equips them to achieve their academic and personal goals. As a result, sixth formers leave us for a variety of exceptional destinations including sought-after degree apprenticeships and places at top universities across the country and beyond.

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Meet some of our alumni

Dhrupad Karwa

Class of 2010
Dhrupad Karwa is the 29-year-old Co-Founder and CEO of HaikuJAM, a creative social networking start up.
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Matthew Ogg

Class of 2005
From circumnavigating the world to heading up EU-UK trade negotiations, Matthew has enjoyed an exciting and varied career since leaving QEGS.
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Will Cooper

Class of 2009
Will Cooper is a Newcastle University graduate and the Managing Director of one of the UK's biggest underwear brands.
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Nick & Tom Watkins

Class of 2004
Old Savilians Tom and Nick Watkins are two brothers from Yorkshire and are the mighty founders of an innovative pea milk brand.
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Dhrupad Karwa

Class of 2010
Dhrupad Karwa is the 29-year-old Co-Founder and CEO of HaikuJAM, a creative social networking start up.
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Matthew Ogg

Class of 2005
From circumnavigating the world to heading up EU-UK trade negotiations, Matthew has enjoyed an exciting and varied career since leaving QEGS.
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Will Cooper

Class of 2009
Will Cooper is a Newcastle University graduate and the Managing Director of one of the UK's biggest underwear brands.
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Nick & Tom Watkins

Class of 2004
Old Savilians Tom and Nick Watkins are two brothers from Yorkshire and are the mighty founders of an innovative pea milk brand.
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