School News

Year 2 Forest School Adventure

29th November 2023

On Tuesday 28th November, the whole of Year 2 went to Owls Den, our bespoke Outdoor Learning environment, to experience an exciting interacting Forest School workshop.

Firstly, students used their skills of ‘estimation’ to guess the number of leaves that would be needed to form a line between 2 designated trees (approximately 8 metres apart). After discussing what led them to these estimations, the children then set about collecting brightly coloured leaves to create a line between the two trees. This activity tested their teamwork, cooperation and communication skills, as they worked together to create a trail of leaves with repeating patterns of colour. Once they had created the brightly coloured ‘ruler line’ between the two trees, they then counted how many leaves they had used (around 130) and compared this figure with their original estimates.

Next, pupils attempted to measure their height, using only the natural resources around them, such as sticks, twigs, leaves. Working in pairs, the pupils debated the best method they could use to measure themselves, scavenged for resources around them, and compared their heights with their partner. This developed their problem solving skills and aided discussion around non standard measure.  

Pupils then had some respite from the chilly outdoors by sitting comfortably in our Owls Den lodge. They listened intently to a story called ‘Little Tree and The Wood Wide Web’ by Lucy Brownridge. The book explores the recent scientific discovery that forests communicate via underground networks of fungal threads known as ‘the wood wide web’. This powerful book teaches children about a hugely important discovery in contemporary science, about a secret world beneath our feet and most importantly, about the strength that comes with asking for help, and discovering that you are not alone. 

Mrs J Walton

Year 2 Lead and Level 3 Forest Schools Leader

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