You'll like our ADVENTUROUS and OPEN MINDED outlook

Our exciting Trips programme reflects our open-minded and adventurous outlook and helps to develop the confidence, character and resourcefulness our students are known for.  Over recent years, QEGS have been spotted at fascinating and fun opportunities close to home as well as further afield:

  • Year 5 adventuring through the wild landscapes of Plas Y Brenin
  • Savoring local flavors in Rome and Naples—an Italian feast for the senses!
  • Conquering the snowy peaks of Val Thorens on thrilling ski slopes
  • Historians consuming the World War Battlefields of France and Belgium
  • Year 4 getting up close with wildlife at Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Sports and Music tours and Academic Tournaments add more destinations to the mix.

..and the way we ENRICH learning

Our wealth of educational visits and residential trips enriches learning beyond the curriculum for students in all year groups.

All of our Juniors in years 3 – 6 enjoy action packed residential trips which progressively develop important team building skills and healthy friendships.  In Year 7, typically when they are joined by students from other primary schools, we help everyone quickly build friendships and understanding with an activities week at our chosen field centre.

Opportunities for wider national and international travel and study begin from year 7.  Our Trips programme includes music trips, a world sports tour, ski-ing in France and cultural visits to Pompeii, Paris, Rome, Nice, Athens, Johannesburg and Ypres.

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