Throughout their time at QEGS, pupils can access a wealth of opportunities and personalised support to help them discover their individual skills and talents. The positive foundations we provide ensure that each pupil feels relaxed and confident discussing their strengths and what future success looks like for them. Above all, we treat every student individually and support them personally with pragmatic and sound advice.
For us, careers guidance is not just about advising on higher education and future occupations, but also preparing pupils for the next stage of their career, encompassing financial and household management as well as other valuable life skills. Open throughout the day for pupils of all year groups, the Careers Department always has a member of staff on hand to provide assistance, encouragement and practical help.
To help pupils explore what life beyond QEGS could look like, a comprehensive timetabled careers programme begins in Year 9, supported by many events including weekly careers talks and the biennial Careers Fair held jointly with Wakefield Girls’. In Year 11 all pupils are encouraged to take part in two weeks’ work experience. Placements are varied and cater for each individual’s aspirations and skills.
During the last two years, members of the Careers Department work closely with both pupils and their Form Tutor to offer guidance on university and apprenticeship applications. Each year over 90% of Sixth Formers continue to their first-choice university and degree course.