We recognise distinctive abilities and potential through our Scholars Pathway which is designed to nurture talent and ability. A number of scholarships are available to students entering our Senior section and Sixth Form.  Our Scholars Pathway is an integral part of their academic provision, preparing each scholar for exceptional academic performance.


Radcliffe Scholars Programme

The Radcliffe Scholars Programme at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School is a prestigious academic enrichment programme and unique opportunity for pupils who demonstrate exceptional potential and a commitment to academic excellence. Selected through entrance tests at the start of Year 7, Radcliffe Scholars are identified for their outstanding abilities. The programme, running from Year 7 to Year 11, aims to cultivate a lifelong passion for learning, equip pupils with essential skills for future success, and foster leadership within the school community.

Through a range of enrichment activities, Radcliffe Scholars are encouraged to excel academically, support their peers, and aspire to high standards across all subjects. The programme also provides tailored support for those aiming to apply to Oxbridge or other competitive university courses. As they progress, students in Year 10  may be recognised as Honorary Scholars, gaining further opportunities to extend their learning and leadership skills.

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QEGS Scholars Pathway

Participation in our Scholars Programme is also open to any pupil looking for extra stretch and challenge via The QEGS Scholarship Pathway.  This pathway encourages academic excellence, aspiration, and a lifelong love of learning for pupils in Key Stage 3 and 4 by engaging each in various academic enrichment activities, earning Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards while building a solid foundation for future education and careers.

Academic Enrichment Activities Include:

  • Reading Academically Focused Literature: Reading recommended books, writing reviews, and discussing key themes.
  • Entering National Competitions: Participating in national competitions or challenges in subjects of interest.
  • Completing MOOCs: Enrolling in online courses on subjects outside the core curriculum.
  • University Masterclasses: Attending masterclasses to explore passions in specific subjects.
  • Visiting Speakers and Lectures: Attending talks and prepare reports on key takeaways.
  • Trips and Visits: Joining subject-related educational trips to enhance learning.
  • Young Savilian Award (Year 9): Demonstrating citizenship achievements.
  • Higher Project Qualification (Year 10): Completing a research project with a presentation.

The QEGS Scholarship Pathway offers pupils a pathway to academic excellence, providing enrichment activities that prepare them for success in future studies and careers.

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