Six determined students—Henry, Jacob, Tommy, Alistair, James, and Thomas—are embarking on an impressive 42-day challenge to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation. The boys have committed to running 5km every day, demonstrating both their dedication to fitness and their commitment to supporting a vital cause.
As part of their fundraising efforts, the students have shared their journey and motivations in a full school assembly for the Junior Section (pictured).
They are set to deliver the same inspiring presentation to the Senior Section on 27th January, encouraging others to learn more about their initiative and get involved.
If you would like to support their efforts, sponsorship can be made via their JustGiving page. Every contribution helps them make a difference while highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Congratulations to the boys for their hard work, determination, and community spirit. We are proud of their efforts and wish them the best as they continue with their challenge.