Wakefield Grammar School Foundation has been involved in Independent State school partnerships (ISSP) since they were introduced in 1997. This has enabled meaningful collaboration between the schools in the delivery of Maths and Science, professional development of teachers, and science outreach to local primary schools.

Activity Days for Year 5 pupils

It has become an annual tradition for both QEGS and WGHS to host this popular and entertaining day of activities for Year 5 pupils from the local area. The activities are run by QEGS or WGHS specialist teachers, supported by our Year 12 students, and are tailored to provide an interactive and lively learning experience whilst also giving the visiting pupils an insight into daily life in a senior school.


Each year a group of Year 10 students from QEGS & WGHS spend a rewarding three days planning and delivering science workshops to Year 5 pupils which encourage curiosity in science. After one day of intensive training the students spend two days delivering activities to about 360 primary pupils. The Year 5 pupils gain hands on science experience through practical, exciting and inspiring workshops  –  dipping candles, flying kites, solar cells and racing rollers all form part of the fun – and each year our Year 10 pupils are complimented for their high level of skills, thus further promoting and consolidating the good relationships we enjoy with our local primary schools.


In Autumn 2016, the Foundation launched its SHINE ‘Serious fun on Saturday’ programme. SHINE is a leading educational charity whose focus is social mobility through education.  We are the first school in West Yorkshire to be awarded a ‘Serious Fun on Saturday’ contract with SHINE. Our programme at WGSF provides a major opportunity for deserving children from some of the more deprived areas of Wakefield to further their educational development and enjoy an innovative and exciting range of lessons.

Joint Latin teaching

Joint teaching between QEGS and St Thomas à Becket Catholic School, an academy in Wakefield, has been running for a number of years. From this initiative St Thomas à Becket gains a “flagship” programme for their gifted and talented pupils, providing them with the opportunity to learn Latin which no other state school pupil in the Wakefield area does.